Welcome to 2015! Release 1.4 of the SQL/MX Auto-Tune plug-in has come out of our build machine and is now on the update site. We had to make a significant change to the plug-in extension point for this release, but since there are no production extenders, at this point anyway, the impact should be minimal. Please let us know if this is an issue and we can provide a backward compatible version. Note: We normally do not make incompatible interface changes, but this was a functional omission that needed to be corrected.
Connection sharing and profile management are significantly improved with this release and people are encouraged to upgrade.
R1.4.1 will be pushed to the Juno update site today. This is an important bug-fix release that corrects a couple of annoying connection issues both for direct and SSH-tunnel JDBC timeout problems. Everyone is encouraged to update to this release as soon as practical.