Category Archives: Policies

Anti-Spam Policy

At Nexbridge, we have a strict anti-spam policy. It is very simple:

  1. We will never spam you. Our email messages are clear and from a real person or exactly once by our web server in response to a direct inquiry. You can request removal from our contact lists at anytime and we will honour it as fast as we are able.
  2. Never spam us. If you spam us, we will not do business with you. It is as simple as that. Marketing information is ok, as long as it is ethical and we are able to remove our addresses from your lists immediately. Please don’t claim that it will take 7 days to process our request. We will not believe you.

To quote William Shakespeare from The Merchant of Venice:

“If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”. – (Act III, scene I).”

We will report all spam as widely as possible. We will report hack attempts to your ISP and to the authorities.

Wisdom from WCDM: What Makes for Great Crisis Management Teams

I don’t normally cross-post, but this article is really a good bit of wisdom from my colleagues at the World Conference for Disaster Management, where I spoke a few years ago. The article is definitely worth the read, so I am recommending it.

This applies to large companies, governments, emergency managers, as well as a number of our clients who need the responsiveness and resiliency of being Indestructible. Please, if you read nothing else this week, read this article.


Automatic User Removal

Relating to our Anti-Spam policy, users who register using automatic means, or who appear to be fake in the judgment of our site administrators may be removed without notice. If you have problems with access and are a legitimate user, please contact us and we will manually create a user for you. Note that we will not automatically remove posts without first reviewing these based on our website terms of use policy.

Acceptable Web Site Use Policy

By using this website, you agree to the following terms:

  1. The contents of this website are property of Nexbridge Inc. When you post comments or pages to this website, the content becomes property of Nexbridge Inc.
  2. You will not post any material that have ownership limitations that prevent these above policies from being in force.
  3. You have the legal right and authorization to post any and all material you post on this site.
  4. You will not repost information from this website onto another website without the permission of an officer of the Nexbridge Inc. If you need permission, please contact us for permission.
  5. You will not post advertising, other material on this site for the purpose of selling products or services or enticing others to buy products and services, without the expressed written permission from an officer of the company.
  6. Spam is 100% unacceptable and in violation of CASL legislation in Canada. We have a zero tolerance for it. If we find that you are involved in spamming practices in any manner, we will remove your user and access with no notice.
  7. Threats, bullying, and/or hateful posts are 100% unacceptable and we have zero tolerance for it. If you make a comment that is in any way threatening or perceived to be threatening  by the original poster, or another poster or commenter in the chain, or a specifically targeted entity or group, we will remove your user and access with no notice. In some severe cases, at our sole determination, we reserve the right to inform the appropriate authorities.
  8. We reserve the right to block your IP address, subnet, and/or domain as we see fit, with or without evidence, based entirely at our discretion. Any attempts at misusing our website may result in the removal of your user id and/or access without notice at any time.